At the Football field #1 thirty minutes before the meeting, a spectacular show was going on. As it was night time, the students, who had to reign themselves in during the day and halt themselves from using their abilities, where going all-out with their abilities. The whole football field had transformed into a wondrous land, straight out of a fairy tale. Large trees towering hundreds of meters high sprung to life at random places. Teens were jumping from branch to branch or otherwise just flying in loops and curves through them. Some of them had glowing wings of various shapes: Butterfly wings, bat wings, glowing white angel wings. Large animals straight out of a fantasy book flew around unhindered. A giant moth as big as an apartment building flew above the area, carrying kids who jumped straight down from its back with excited yelps. A dragon flew low and went in circles, carrying a band of one person who was conducting an orchestra compromised of hundreds of floating instruments that exuded glowing musical notes as they played. Other students were swimming in a giant sphere of water floating right above the sudden forest. A Pegasus carrying one man swooped low and grabbed a random person every once in awhile, and the teen would cheerfully throw the surprised student straight into the giant body of water. Spires of ice and pillars of fire danced from the ground and twisted into the sky, and lightning crackled and boomed in response followed by sudden sweeping tornadoes or even an occasional tidal wave from out of nowhere. Some areas snowed, some rained, others where bright and sunny. A multi-colored aurora shined in the sky and several people were sliding down a literal rainbow bridge. The whole field looked like a diorama of colors and lights. Heads and bodies popped out of the ground, spirits and apparitions suddenly became visible and appeared and disappeared at random intervals. Laughter, cheering and shouting could be heard from everywhere you went.