Krika's insect like legs clacked against the floor. His body was ustable, his density manipulated only to the point of allowing him to walk across the floor, but not enough to let those around him see the Makuta in his mutated form. Krika was still getting used to this arthropodic body, what were once his weapons now fused with his arms, body twisted into that of a common swamp beast. Lost was his once regal armor, befitting of someone of his high position; Or so they would say. There was no honor in the Brotherhood of Makuta, and even less in covering up an atrocity and mistake that they created; The Skadi of Zakaz, Spiriah's project, his to inherit. He hoped that when he returned that those accursed beasts would have just murdered each other. Nothing would please him more than to know that the Skakdi had been driven to extinction by their own doing. A rat scurried before Krika, oblivious to the makuta's presence in the vicinity of him. Krika felt the hunger that this form left him with, a biological need that he had not missed. Since mutation, the days were gone when needs like eating and sleeping were optional. Krika sprung his arm out, gripping the organic creature with the pincers at the end. The rat struggled a bit, only to become more docile as Krika fed on it's life energies, with the being becoming a limp corpse shortly after. Tossing aside the dead animal, Krika crept around more, looking for any others that were brought here as well. The clacking of the bladelike limbs against the ground That was, until he came across two beings. Purely organic lifeforms, a rarity in his world, but given the numbers of them he had seen, it may be that they are more common than he had estimated were possible. They both appeared to be male, and analyzing a door, plastered with signs. He would make a note not to open that door. The Makuta continued on his way, looking around, sensing for other life forms. Then, he had come across something massive. A group, all of them organic, except for possibally one, who towered over all the others. Among them were two females, one of them with blue hair. Another was male, signficantly shorter than the others. Krika began following them, staying at a low density, to avoid being seen.