There was a loud shattering sound of glass shattering all around Salforge as he held the phone to his ear, his blocks crumbling and cracking away needlessly as they'd served their purpose. Funny how some where born, into poverty or with a silver spoon in their mouths. Into unstable homes, the lap of luxury or without anyone to right out call family. Salforge to cohere with being abandoned, discovered by a king and mad man. Raised to prefer the cold grasp of solitude, the heartless around could understand, they were mindless and savage creatures that were ruled by the vice of gluttony. "I did some information gathering while scouting Nomis abomination, low and behold, it seemed to have been created to track this target of yours. That informant's killer seems to be irrelevant now so I'm choosing to disband that investigation." Salforge's eyes hardened, the people in the surrounding area, those that chose to stay were focused on the standalone mercenary occupied with a device foreign to their world. It seemed like technology was limited on this world, it was fine, he was familiar with these residents. Nearly 20 years he'd traveled worlds after the even that put him in his current position. The empire was supposed to be a scourge, and he belonged only through means of a contract and agreement. "Our enemy is that gentleman you had the unpleasant conversation with. You humans have some strange code of how you address one another, seems unreasonable as to why there couldn't have been a more tactful way to exchange information. I digress, he was harboring the girl and seems adamant on a futile sprint away, at the cost of choosing to wait a little too long." He sighed, beginning to pick up his feet and leave the scene, the heartless that remained scurried around and about in a rampant manner. It was in their nature as savages to persist and chase the people, here, the resident of their people gave choice of abandonment. Standing to reason using basic logic and instinct that was the natural response he would've chosen, you calculate your own odds of survival first and foremost. Salforge would sooner commit suicide before the enemy could discern or uncover information, he's already in a weird position if he was to die as is. "When we've regrouped I'll relay all additional information to you. Lastly, we need to talk about Gavin...before he becomes a problem for the empire." -------- Gavin//Nightmare - Flashback? -------- He could remember well enough, he was about six years old at the time and he thought nothing of it. Gavin sat at the table addressed by his parents, he was the youngest sibling out of two, and there was an extranuous amount of friction between his father and his older sibling. Introduced a she, Gavin had an older sister and from their expressions in development she was about four to six years his senior. As kids, he'd grown to respect, look up to, and admire his sister. Something like that of a role model if you will, as it stood she was inspiration, and often very good and raising morale. She had dreams that spread outside holding their family name, Gavin was taught at this age, that he was to never present his family name to other worlds, it was one of the rules his family was adamant on, their sacred cow. His older sister, she had dreams of leaving their home, possibly travel and become something other than what her family expected of her. To take over their house, aspire to respect the industry and master the many markets that they controlled. In defiance, Gavin's older sister always expressed the utmost respect when their parents walked on egg shells with her. This lasted for a number of years, as Gavin grew from early childhood to his teen years, the friction between his sister and their parents became a much more frequent thing. He imagined it almost as if it were yesterday, the path of dissent had started. His sister wanted to travel and study on other worlds, naturally their father was against this idea. House rules came into play, to never jeopardize the family's lifeblood or reputation in anyway, to alleviate this, it was preferred his sister stayed on their home world. Gavin's sister outright refused, and was forced to make a hard choice of whether or not to earn her freedom. As the imperial forces tread upon their home world at one point, his sister saw this as an opportunity to further her own esteemed goals. She was a proficient user of magic arts, more practical in logic and efficiency than Gavin, but he felt that this wasn't the answer. So he approached her one day and attempted to offer an alternative. "Sis, I don't think this is a good idea, you shouldn't be trying to fiddle with the empire. They're bad news and you know it, this isn't like you." "If it makes you feel any better Gavin, I'm going on a mission for a very long time and I intend to do all I can to be of help to those that I encounter." These were the last words he'd been left with, and ringing about four years old in his mind, he couldn't be satisfied with such an unrealistic answer. His sister gained notoriety over time, and it as word hit his home world, it caused his father to explode. He'd even go so far as to revoke claim of his child and tasking Gavin with her execution, to think this is what it would come to. Gavin marveled at the deception that his sister left, only to feel angered...ashamed, and disappointed as he expected more from his only family. The time of her absence ate away at him, eventually hardening Gavin who could no longer hold faith and trust in the family he lost, now tasked with their execution as per house rules. It was a cruel vendetta...and his eyes seemed to sliver open. As Gavin sat up straight in his bed, he tried to to aggregate the sling but he could only think of what was inevitable. The room had dropped to sub-zero temperatures, and Gavin's red eyes flicker brown briefly in midst of everything he remembered. Grim, but he was responsible for taking care of business, the prism was there as insurance that his cooperation was not to be questioned. "You really to ruin your only brother's life...I hate you so much..." Gavin muttered, being forced into a position that he wasn't the least bit happy with. "IF there are more like that Ryoko woman, and that merc, I may consider joining the rebels...they don't need my baggage honestly. Hmm..." the youth pondered, he was cursed and it felt like his life would just end up damaging others. He could recall, as he was being carried away once he'd given himself up to the empire, with hopes of finding that woman, the mercenary said something unexpected. "All I see when I look at you is a great tragedy that is about to be underway. I think it's better for you, to forget whatever your planning and choose to serve us, if it means to live. I've seen way too many kids die, they don't have my pity, but my deductive abilities as to incur why make clearly irrational decisions if it means your success rate is less than fifty percent? Trust me Gavin, whatever you want from us, we're going to crush you every time you oppose us." He started to rattle and shake at remembrance of this, hollow bastion was where he was sure he would find her. If these were his odds...he was left without much of a choice in the manner, he wanted them gone...he wanted more than what this family mission thrust him into. Sliding from his bed, he tread lightly down the stairs, moving into the room occupied with bodies, pointing out Osa and Ace both. "Hey, Ace do you have a minute? I want to ally with you guys, but I need to be brutally honest before you choose to accept anything from me." Gavin proceeded to pull up a chair, and review with Ace one on one. He'd given him all information with the exception of his family's name as per his household rule (which he also explains). His intent was to execute a member of the empire, and beyond that he would be finished, and return home. He didn't have a name to give them, it was an issue of permissions but he could identify the person on sight and none that they've encountered or he's encountered has been the same person.