A few seconds later, Alfonzo found himself into the next area of the building, but to his surprise, it was another unexpected area. A huge theater came into contact with his vision as Alfonzo gazed at it’s magnificence, beholding a vast numerous amount of seats and a screen big and wide enough to enjoy any theatrical movie. This still may hold as an illusion in his mind, but he kept becoming more and more impressed with what the place kept sharing visually, that he forgot what he was suppose to be doing in the first place. He was stunned, but then quickly came back to his senses when he remembered of what he had came to do in the first place. If he was going to become serious, he needed to think on what the first step should be, so he forced his mind to clear of his ignorant thoughts and proceeded to regain focus on what he had to do. He came from out of the hall and began to walk straight to the stage, looking around the place to see what the others who were in the room were doing. His vision had caught attention to three of the figures that had came in a little later, only to find that a woman in glasses was aiming to shoot an armored looking fellow destroying a row of chairs, and the other fellow with the goatee presumably trying to stop her from shooting the overcoming seat killer. Alfonzo became distracted at first with the issue that was going on, because it didn't make sense to why that armored thing was destroying the seats in the first place. Did it have something against chairs, or did it have some sort of rage from being dragged here, or was it just insane? Al sure didn't want to find out, so he kept walking towards the main stage, trying to avoid the problem. He stopped for a minute due to another issue that had passed his thought. [i]“Hmmm.....I wonder if.......”[/i] said Alfonzo quietly to himself, hoping that he had the one most important thing on him in case things go wrong or haywire. While standing still for a moment, he used his right hand to pat the right side of his upper thigh, trying to use his sense of touch to identify an object he hoped that he was still carrying with him. Alas, his senses were to feel of the firearm that the facility had given him, and Alfonzo was relieved that it was still at his side, just in case things go terribly wrong. Then, all of a sudden, he stared at the stage in front of him, only to find the talking animal and the young girl accompanying him, so Al made his way towards them. Once he got to the front of the stage, he stopped in their presence and began to speak. [i]“So…….still trying to find a way out of here, or are you on break or something?”[/i]