With the blue-haired girl prompting the dissolution of the brief Mexican stand-off, Integra had quite a bit to ponder on as the group continued to various points within the theater. The leader of Hellsing needed time to think, to brig some kind of plan together for helping the others out (if she even could), so picking her way through the debris caused by PEKKA's little rampage, she found one of the rows of seats that hadn't been dismembered and sat down. A glinting object on the floor caught Hellsing's attention and, stopping, she picked it up with a gloved hand. As she brought it up to eye level, she realised that it was, to her good fortune, a cigarette lighter. A cursory examination revealed that the small device had a name stamped on the side, although this had been faded into obscurity, and a curious emblem that Integra did not recognise: [hider=Emblem] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121228193815/callofduty/images/8/8f/TF_141_unused_emblem.png[/img] [/hider] If there was anything that could have clued Integra in about the former owner of the lighter, it was in the emblem's depiction of a winged F.S. pattern combat knife - a symbol commonly associated with British Commonwealth commando units back in her time. Was this left behind by one of the many poor souls who may have passed this way before, dropped carelessly or discarded in its owner's final moments? Was this soldier even alive, trapped in the labyrinth surrounding the theater like she and the others were? Pushing the grim implications aside for the moment, she operated the lighter's 'cap' and, bringing it close to her cigar, tried to light it. The first two tries resulted in only a small sprinkling of sparks, much to her disappointment. On the third try, however, a weak, sputtering flame emitted from the nozzle, the glow lighting some of Integra's face as she lit the cigar and puffed on it a couple of times to fan the embers. "If we ever find the man or woman who owned this," she reflected to herself as she leaned back in her seat, exhaling cigar smoke contently. "I'll have to thank them when I return it."