Name: Aden Lee Lamb Age: 24 Gender: Male Number: 83 Associated Colour: [color=ec008c]Magenta:[/color] The colour is often related to the passion of red and creativity of purple mixed into a relaxing harmony. Physical Description: Aden has sandy blond hair which is cut somewhat short and slicked back to keep it neat and out of the way. He has brown oval eyes. He is at the shorter end at 5'7", he is slender and friendly looking. Before the events of the story, he was wearing a red shirt with a magenta design with black dress pants and black sneakers. In the story, he's wearing a standard looking outfit of a magenta buttoned-down shirt with black slacks and black dress shoes. He has several piercings, one on his bottom lip, one on each lobe of his ears, and an ear cuff at the top of his left ear. Personality: Aden is a mixed bag of a person. He's friendly and compassionate. But he's extremely fickle, and he gets angry and overwhelmed by stress. He gets stressed easily. He's creative and passionate about his creativity, but he burns himself out right away and moves to the next thing leaving the first thing half finished. He's impulsive at times, but he tries his best to think ahead and not to make any mistakes. Known History: Raised in California in a small town with his parents. They moved to San Francisco. He went to an art school. He's now a Freelancer. Real History: Last thing he remembers doing is driving to his employer's office to hand over some commissions and nothing else.