Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- That was not supposed to happen. Ssarak was momentarily confused by the guard captain's extreme reaction to his breath attack. At first, Ssarak thought Meirin's weaving spell might have asphyxiated him, but he was reacting even before that would have happened. His breath attack was essentially a calming pathokinesis spell, and while it could have other...potential effects than stopping one from fighting, it certainly should not have incapacitated him. He did not know if the captain had died, but before he could do anything to check, he caught the familiar and terrified thoughts of Lyn, not to mention her audible screams. At a quick glance, he could see the robed man was still alive, but Lyn's safety was more important than him. Though Ssarak could have given chase to Lyn, he worried that might cause her even more terror. Despite the intensity of the fight, Ssarak reached into her mind with a calm voice, meant to soothe her fear. "Lyn, you need not be afraid. We can protect you; just hide behind the carriage, and we will stop anyone who might harm you." In addition to his words, Ssarak used a spell of calming pathokinesis to calm her mind, which she would likely attribute to his voice. So far, Ssarak had been nothing but calm and friendly with Lyn. Hopefully, he had left enough of an impression on her that she could trust him as a protector. It also helped that he was very intent on following through with his promise.