Gren finished his long winded speech by putting away the snacks he had brought. It was getting late, and no doubt Kuhaku and Sapphire needed to recover still. Sapphire seems to be in a slightly better temperament, but more improvement could always be done. But not today. As he was going to help up he saw Kuhaku drop his cake, his napkin dramatically shattering on the floor somehow. [b][color=forestgreen]"Shiro?"[/color][/b] Gren walked towards his partner who was cowering on the floor. This was obviously not good, less so when Shiro started to arm himself. He was in no condition to leave seeing that he was still mentally disturbed. [b][color=forestgreen]"Shiro, please hold on...."[/color][/b] And that's when Kuhaku flung himself out of the window that Gren had used to enter. Sapphire tried to give chase but her injuries prevented her from doing so. She handed Gren a syringe full of sedative, which Gren was hesitant to accept. He had no idea what sort of dosage was needed for it to work on Kuhaku, and he knew if he used too much... Kuhaku may never wake up. But he did take it as a last resort. [b][color=forestgreen]"I'll keep in touch."[/color][/b] And than Gren threw himself out of the window as well, with much less grace than Kuhaku did. He simply landed on his feet, burying himself knee deep into the ground. But he didn't let that stop him as he pulled his feet out and hunted down Kuhaku. Luckily for Gren all he needed to do was follow Kuhaku's path of destruction. He must have gotten tunnel vision from how narrow his path was. Gren activated his Semblance to reduce the friction underneath his feet once he got his momentum and more-or-less slide after Kuhaku. Crushed grass and the sound of snoring was all Gren needed to find his partner asleep in the grass. His face was concerned, but also serious. He dared not wake Kuhaku up. Who knows what sort of thing he might do. Seeing that his partner was armed where Gren wasn't however, all he could do was put his helmet on in the even Kuhaku tries to hit him in the face or something. Than gently, Gren tried to pick up Kuhaku and bring him back to their dormitories. He'll need Abel to watch over him while Gren gets the medical equipment to ensure Kuhaku makes a full recover. Whatever was in those IV's must have been keeping him sane, and if he needed that oxygen mask he just have lost control of his lungs at some point too. Gren sighed as he tried to think what other measures he'd have to take to ensure that Kuhaku doesn't inadvertently endanger himself.