Darius grunted in surprise when the guard not only took his punch head on, but when he also grabbed ahold of his arm and locked it in place. Once the guard started swinging his club, Darius knew that he was going to get hit by it. At least he could prevent his arm from getting broken. When the club was close enough, Darius pulled himself closer to the man. Pain flared up his shoulder as the club struck it. It was nowhere near as bad as it could have been. He grinned at the guard. [color=#C19A6B]"My turn."[/color] Darius grabbed the man and pulled him backwards to knock him of balance. Then he pushed forward and, using some enhanced strength, picked the man up, took three quick steps forward and slammed the man into the ground. He kneeled on the man's neck. Not enough to choke him, but enough to possibly pacify him. [color=#C19A6B]"This is not a battlefield, and we are not from two different armies, so I am offering you a choice; Yield. If you do not, then I will make it quick."[/color] The hairs on the back of his neck alerted him of someone behind him. He turned his head around to see the pale guard that had attacked Meirin approaching him. He started to draw his sword, but he paused when Alaira passed through the pale man's shoulder in a run towards the Psychomancer. He also noticed another pale gaurd writhing on the ground with that stuffed bear attached to his face. The one approaching him must have been a mind trick the Psychomancer made. Darius turned back to the guard on the ground and awaited the man's answer.