As Rose followed Kassy keeping a close eye on her she noticed Kassy tune and look right at her. Rose quickly tuned and headed for convention stand two to make it look like she was just trying to find her way though the crowed just in case she was on to her. she discretely looked back to her to see if she watching her. Rose smiled when she noticed she was now distracted by a large man but she needed to be careful because if Kassy saw her following her again their would be no doubt that she was following her. Rose now moving a little slower ducking behind people in the crown to pervert Kassy from seeing her. The closer Rose got the more clearly she could hear the gauntlets. As Rose got closer she started to think that the two didn't know each other based on the fact Kassy looked nervous around him and they were talking more like pair strangers. Rose then had an idea of how to get the gauntlets back without making a seance. she had overheard that they where both looking for food and thought she could use that to separate them long enough to get the gauntlets back. Rose finely caught up to them and tapped Kassy on the shoulder "hay long time no see what has it been now about 3 years right how have you been?" Rose then tuned to Kristof "hay my names Rose I couldn't help but overhear you two are looking for food well I think you will find their is a buffet in the next room although I don't know how much food will be left. Just go straight though those doors and take the fist left me and my friend will catch up we have something we some catching up to do isn't that right" Just as she said isn't that right she looked right at Kassy and winked letting her know she knew what she had done.