Kuhaku felt himself be lifted off of the ground, being carried away. Opening his eyes slightly he tried to see who it was, too exhausted and drained of strength to be able to struggle and fight. In an odd state between wakefulness and slumber, he was able to open his eyes enough to see Gren's face. His face coming through clearly against the still-blurred background of his partially-impaired vision. A slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips, he reached a paw out and placed it right on Gren's face. In his sleep-drunken stupor, his glazed eyes seemed to recognize him. [b]"Gren.."[/b] his smile grew wider. He seemed to recall something funny and laughed weakly. [b]"Dat figh...in da tun...nel...'swas fun, innit?"[/b] He sighed and closed his eyes, words slurring slightly. [b]"We ok...dun fel ba..d..."[/b] He laughed musically and patted the front of Gren's face, his paw still on it. [b]"Saphy...she..."[/b] His words trailed off, unfinished. With the flip of a coin, his mood changed. His face twisted in agony as he clutched at his chest with his other paw, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes. [b]"I'm sorry..."[/b] he sniffled, choking out the words. [b]"I forgot you all."[/b] Sniffling, he removed his paw from Gren's face. Just as quickly as his mood changed, it changed once more. Ears flattening, tail curling around his own leg, he balled himself up and pressed himself closely against Gren for warmth. Making a grumpy sound and frowning, he muttered [b]"You're cold. Not very..warm"[/b] He then yawned, quickly falling back into a deep sleep. Snoring lightly, his body eventually relaxed. A playful smile on his face he uttered one last comment, [b]"'Swas fun..."[/b]