[b]Kurano Tanaka[/b] [i]Looks like I have to do the officer's job now,[/i] Kurano sighed as he looked towards the two homicidal children with laser swords. He wouldn't dare get near them, but instead attempted something else. The crowd around began to disperse as the officer left, giving Kurano a bit more space. "Hello, children. Are you having fun?" He stated with a clearly fake smile upon his face. [i]I don't have time to babysit, when the action is over there. Perhaps I can lead them towards it?[/i] "Why don't we put away those weapons, and, play tag instead?" He suggested, hoping that this wouldn't lead to something even more violent happening. He brushed away his hair, and saw that now there was a child simply staring at him. [i]Whoever's parents these belong to should pay me after this,[/i] he thought with a sigh. [b]Minami Shiroka[/b] Minami stayed when everyone else started to move around. It looked like a lot of people wanted to leave the convention, talking about how unsafe it was. When the crowds thinned out, she saw a man talking to two little kids. When he said the word tag, Minami's eyes lit up like headlights. His gaze caught hers, and she shouted, "can I play too?" Which garnered some attention. The man sighed as she walked over, though she didn't pay it any mind.