[img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/083/d/8/wes_bentley_by_wingedkupoheart-d4ttpo7.jpg[/img] Name: Johnathan Amyas Alias: Sanguine Age: 26 Height: 6' Weight: 180lbs Power: - Blood Consumption - Blood Manipulation - Blood Empowerment - Blood Pressure Manipulation Strengths: - Enhanced Cardiovascular System: Because John has the ability to make his heart pump faster than normal, his cardiovascular system has slowly adapted to accommodate his power without causing him undo harm (heart attack, blood clotting, ruptured veins). - Accelerated Metabolism: John's power to accelerate his heart affected his metabolism permanently, speeding it up to the point where he could eat whatever he wants and he won't gain weight. This doesn't mean that he is always healthy; eating half a dozen boxes of donuts still affects his physical fitness, he just won't gain the weight. - Resistant to Iron: This doesn't refer to the material iron, it refers to the iron in blood. John's physiology has mutated so his body does not react negatively when it consumes large quantities of blood, as iron is corrosive to the stomach lining. John is still susceptible to Iron poisoning but it takes nearly 10 times the normal amount to cause his body harm. - Self-Defense Knowledge: John has limited self-defense knowledge. He understands the basics how to properly throw a punch and how to defend against a choke-hold but anything involving martial arts training is missing. Limitations/Weaknesses: - Dependency: After several years of consuming blood to help treat his anemia (see below) John has developed a dependency on it. He is still able to eat normal food to sustain him and take medication to treat his ailment, but they don't seem to work as well without a pint of blood to go with it. Over time, John will exhibit withdrawal symptoms similar to those associated with alcoholism. During this time, John is unable to use his powers effectively. - Anemic: John suffers from anemia, a blood condition that is defined as a decrease in Red Blood Cells or hemoglobin in the blood. There are numerous ways to treat anemia but the best way that John has found is by consuming blood. - Iron Poisoning: Even with his mutated physiology, John is still susceptible to iron poisoning. If he consumes too much blood then he will start to suffer the effects of iron poisoning. This can start with simple drowsiness and end with death due to liver failure or brain damage. - Blood Limitations: John is only able to manipulate his own blood (inside or otherwise) or spilled blood of others. He cannot manipulate the blood of someone else if it is inside their body.