As soon as Shiro began to move, Abel stood up, and not just to avoid the shards of cheap china and splatter of cake. Of course, he wanted to help, but he had never experienced anyone with this problem before. Back at the edge of Vale, on the walls near the town of Palisade, people with mental problems were few and far between. Abel had always avoided them; it was easier to simply ignore those unfortunate souls and let the more qualified attend to them, rather than try to get involved and expose himself to helpless worry. A couple courses of action flitted through his mind: he could shout really loudly, or strike Shiro, to jar him to his senses., or he could restrain him or try to talk him down. When the faunus grabbed his weapons, Abel wisely decided that taking physical action probably wasn't a good idea. Looking all the world like a terrified animal, Shiro jumped straight out the window. Abel took an instinctive step to stop him, but the faunus was already through the aperture before the guardian could lay a hand on him. His frown deepened, and he allowed Sapphire to push past him to get at the window. [i]She's not seriously thinking about jumping...?[/i] he wondered, incredulous. Forgetting his unhappiness with the girl, he reached forward to grab her if she attempted it, but she quickly turned away. Sapphire was the last person that Abel expected to start taking charge of the situation, but for the first time since they met, she did her job. Relieved that the girl might not be a lost cause after all, Abel crossed his arms and listened to her with his signature serious expression. As she outlined her plan, Abel considered Shiro a little more. Was he losing his mind, or was this simply an unavoidable side effect of his semblance? If the latter was the case, Abel was truly sorry. Such a power was more a curse than a blessing. The obvious conclusion, however, was that Shiro used his semblance knowing what it would do to him, because he cared about his teammates. That was something Abel would have to work hard to repay. When Sapphire was done, and Gren had defenestrated himself, Abel nodded to her and dived out the window headfirst. While plummeting, he swung his mass around in a crude somersault. The landing strategy was simply, but for almost anyone else, it would have been very painful. Abel hit the ground with his upper shoulders force, turning the impact into a roll that put most of the force on his broad back. There was a popping sound, but it was nothing more than that, a pop. Anything truly threatening was shielded by his aura, and as he brought himself to his feet, Abel could feel the electric tingling moving through him. He paused momentarily to get his bearings, during which he noticed the holes in the ground where Gren had partially embedded himself. [i]Heavy man, even without armor.[/i] Then, he took off, moving with strides large enough to keep pace with smaller, technically faster hunters. Without a friction-controlling semblance, he had a harder time navigating the area. By the time he spotted his target, Shiro was already held over the shoulder of Gren. Relieved to have found him so quickly, Abel pulled out his scroll and dialed Sapphire. “Gren found him. We're coming back now to put him to bed.” He paused. It didn't seem like he was doing enough to help. Then he remembered. "Rather, we're taking him back to the room. Forgot about the whole phobia thing you mentioned. See you tomorrow, I guess.” With Gren by his side, he reentered the main building, holding the door open. As Gren passed, Abel got a close-up look at Shiro's face. There was a strangely peaceful smile there. Though it didn't make the guardian smile in return, it gratified him to finally know for sure that everything was going to be okay. “Poor fellow,” he remarked, and the small group trekked to the official Team Swansong dorm.