Nyshara sighed flicking her sword. "A Relak Thak He." As she speaks the Illumian words her sword turns back to normal and removed the lighting charge from her hand sheathing her weapon. "Well, that was disappointing. If you live a life of cowardice you live a life full of running. Pity it wasn't worth my effort." Nyshara thankfully hadn't gotten hurt, but was feeling a bit on edge. She didn't like having an enemy run from battle even if the odds weren't in their favor; it was one thing to negotiate peace, but it was another to just leave the field of battle. "The half-elf is also in need of aid. I am fine however." She took a seat on next to the cart and pulled out her from her pack lute strumming softly as she closed her eyes trying to clam herself down from the battle taking her mind to another place. [hider=Translation]I declare the end.[/hider]