It was without a doubt his most vivid dream ever. So vivid that it felt like his sense of touch worked here...but that should have been impossible. Even staggered to his feet as he looked around. The first thing that he noticed was the sky; if the sky itself being green wasn't enough of an indication that something funny was going on, then the red moon was. 'Just...what the hell is going on? What kind of dream [i]is[/i] this?' He then noticed a gate leading out. However when he tried to open it, the gate failed to so much as budge. 'So I'm trapped in here, is that it?' the third thing he noticed was the presence of two other people, girls about his age by the looks of it. Although he didn't get the time to get a good look at them, since that's when the Minotaur dropped in to attack, right out of the very gate that Even was at. Suddenly, this didn't feel like a dream anymore, the absolute sense of dread he felt seemed far too real. 'This...this can't be happening' his eyes widened in fear 'this thing looks like it's going to kill me! This has to be a why does it feel so real!? I'm trapped in here with this monster, and there's no way I can fight back! It looks like...this could be the end' and with that, Even prepared himself for death... "[i]...Fie, such an utter daw[/i]" "Eh?" Even was caught off guard my the strange voice "what the...who are you?" "[i]Art thou an yea ranker daw then I had first thought?[/i]" "! I'm not a fool. Also, why are you speaking in Shakespearean English?" Even had just noticed that this strange voice was in fact not using Japanese, but a very old English dialect "[i]'tis not important. what is important is that thou hast just surrender'd without a mortal arbitrament[/i]" "How do you expect me to fight something like that!? I don't have any combat training, or even a weapon?!" "[i]That is what i am f'r[/i]" "Huh?" "[i]Mine power is thy power. Lay-to it to combat this beast[/i]" "What!? But how!?" "[i]Did I not betoken thou? Ah, it seems I forgot that. I am thou, and ye are I. Merely clepe f'r it, and mine power is at thy hest[/i]" and with that the voice disappeared. Now that he wasn't talking to some person in his head anymore, he realized that nothing had changed since his conversation began. 'Like only an instant had past' he thought to himself as time began to move again. While he still had no idea what was going on, his instincts did seem to have some kind of clue. Standing his ground, he held his hand out with his palm facing up. Then, a strange blue card appeared floating right above it. Then, a single word seemed to explode in his mind, a singe word that demanded to be he said it "" and then he crushed it in his hand. Right after that, a strange armored man appeared in the air behind him. Even had no idea why, but he felt like he could fight back now. [hider=Stats] Lv.1 EXP:10/100 HP: 120 (X 15%)= 138 SP: 30 STR - 5 VIT - 25 MAG - 5 DEX - 5 LCK - 5 [/hider] [hider=Initial Persona] [img][/img] Name: Arthur History: Little can be said about the Once and Future King without being redundant. He who was chosen to rule all of England by fate when he pulled Caliburn from it's stone sheath, and later given the power to truly do so by the Lady of the Lake, in the form of the blade Excalibur. However, this form of the mighty King Arthur seems...incomplete, wrong Strength: Slash, Pierce Weakness: Light, Dark [b]SKILLS:[/b] 1: Regenerate 1 2: Counter 3: Cleave 4:(unlocked at level 5) - Regenerate 2 5:(unlocked at level 9) - Slash Master 6:(unlocked at level 13) - Fatal End 7:(unlocked at level 17) - Auto-Rakukaja 8:(unlocked at level 21) - Regenerate 3 [/hider] [hider=Skill Used] Basic Attack [/hider] [hider=Damage] 5*1.5=7.5 [/hider]