[b]Xander "Vega" Chaser[/b] Inventory: Backpack, School Supplies, Flandre Scarlet Fumo Plushie, Wallet, Phone, Ear --- "The Italian will do, and just a glass of water will as well." He said before looking back at his plushie. He picked her up and began to stroke her hair and hat, it was quite noticable he enjoyed his expensive plushie and basically loved it as well. He kept on staring at it for minutes on end before turning his eyes to look at the musician entering the Deli, where he curiously watched Kyle sit down next to the other band members. Xander never really took part in any school activites so he had little idea of whom they were. He watched the few talk for a minute before shrugging it off and going back to his plushie. He took out his earbuds and plugged them into his phone before scrolling through his music playlist and selecting, 'U.N Owen was her?' which was of course, Flandre's theme. He only continued to look and admire the doll, quite content with it as he shrugged off anyone who looked at him weirdly. He continued to wait for his sandwich and drink.