[color=f49ac2]"Private investigation. Please hold."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Umm Hi. She's not in right now, can I take a message? Mhmm...Oh okay. I'll be sure to get that back to her. Thank you."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Rebecca Valentine's office. This is Cammie. Umm...just a second."[/color] A busy evening it was for them, calls coming in left and right being answered by the rather eccentric young girl with blue hair sitting behind the desk of a small business office, decorated with small paintings of various landscapes and a few worldly trinkets here and there. She sighed with relief, finally able to set the phone down, but only to scoot back the slightly plush leather chair from the desk and stand on her feet, giving a stretch and a little yawn exposing her tiny daggers of ivory glinting in her mouth. Happily the strange girl hummed to herself ambling down the hallway, turning left towards a door and gently nudging it open with a resounding creak. Her eyes, shiny emeralds even in the dim candlelit glow of the room, trailed from the large, elegant dresser over to the queen sized bed, where upon it slept a woman with fiery red hair, a bit tousled from her tossing and turning in her somewhat peaceful slumber, her lips parting slightly to give a small glimpse of her own fangs as incoherently she mumbled turning over again. The girl giggled to herself and slipped into the room, climbing onto the bed and giving the woman a little shake, [color=f49ac2]"Mistress, It's time to wake up."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Mngh....Wha...what?"[/color], The woman stirred raising her head from her pillow and turned over to look upon her young servant with tired yet piercing blue eyes, as blue as ice they appeared to the girl. [color=ed1c24]"Already? But I was just having a wonderful dream?"[/color] She yawned rubbing her eyes and stretching. Cheerily the girl asked, [color=f49ac2]"Ooh! Was I in it, Mistress?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"But of course you were, sweetie."[/color] The woman purred with a wry smile. [color=ed1c24]"And Camille, you don't have to call me Mistress. You're not my slave, darling."[/color] A sly wink she gave before slipping out of bed, dressed in only a silk negligee but it soon fell to the floor, revealing her decadent figure in all its majesty. Of course, she didn't seem to mind the girl observing her bare splendor. After all, they were quite...close, to put it in better words. [color=f49ac2]"Umm...o-okay, Rebecca."[/color] A warm hue of rose finding its way to her cheeks, Camille answered. Rebecca smiled all the more and sauntered to her dresser, pulling out a black lace bra and a pair of matching panties before slipping into them and making her way to her closet. Twas no surprise what her outfit would be, casual yet with a professional modesty. As she buttoned up her blouse and fixed her small tie, Rebecca asked of her cute servant, [color=ed1c24]"Were there any calls while I was asleep?"[/color] [color=f49ac2]"A few."[/color] Camille answered. [color=f49ac2]"There was one from Mr. Fauntry about a 4:30 meeting tomorrow, oh and Mrs. Strand wants to know what you've discovered about her cheating husband."[/color] Rebecca sighed sitting on the edge of her bed and slipping her feet into her black heels, [color=ed1c24]"The trivials of mortals, and 4:30....that's too early for me. I'm exhausted during the mid-day. Was there anything else, sweetie?"[/color] Camille pondered for a moment drumming her dainty fingers against her lips, [color=f49ac2]"Hmmm...Oh! There was some man calling for you. He didn't leave a name, but said it was important you meet with him. He left an address and a time. 2:15 AM at Fifth and Mattherson.[/color] Her eyebrow rose slightly at the message given. [color=ed1c24]"Odd."[/color] Who would want to meet with her so late and also...why wouldn't they leave a name but some address. Fifth and Mattherson, there was nothing there but an old construction yard. It was meant to be a shopping mall, but according to some...sources Rebecca knew, construction halted after a rather grim incident. She read the case files, happily [i]borrowed[/i] from city police. Twas just as she assumed, bodies drained of their blood, horrific wounds on the neck indicating teeth. The attacks were only growing worse, and from the way things felt to the woman, the place was swarming with Nosferatu....swarming...with her kind.