[b]Stella Blackhart[/b] As the girl change into her uniform, her Iphone ring. She then take the Iphone, and 6 Unread Message Subject: Hello | From: Noa@xxxxx.xxx Subject: i wnt to be like u | From: hackr4lfe@xxxxx.xxx Subject: I'm going to find you. | From: Commenter@xxxxx.xxx Subject: I have some insider information | From: utrx@xxxxx.xxx Subject: Thanks | From: R@xxxxx.xxx Subject: Upcoming Tech | From: Mel@xxxxx.xxx 'So many spam.' She proceed to delete all the three message, and leave three message. Subject: Hello | From: Noa@xxxxx.xxx Subject: Thanks | From: R@xxxxx.xxx Subject: I have some insider information | From: utrx@xxxxx.xxx She open the first message from Noa@xxxxx.xxx (EDIT: Sorry didn't see that one)