[b]Name:[/b] Mona Scott [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Number:[/b] 4 [b]Associated Color:[/b] [color=Gold]Gold[/color], darker than the childish cheer and optimism of yellow, gold is commonly seen as representing the luxury and all the material riches associated with the precious metal. Feelings of elegance, prestige, and sophistication are evoked by the color, as well as extravagance and the excesses of wealth. [b]Physical Description:[/b] Mona appears to be of at least partial Asian parentage, with her other parent either being Native-American or African-American, her heritage grants her a unique golden copper skin tone. She's short, standing (barely) at 5'3'', however this has the advantage of making her rather average figure appear curvier and more buxom than would be normal. Her face is flat and heart shaped, with warm brown eyes (whose shape betray her Asian blood), her lips and nose are delicate, resembling the designs of a porcelain china doll-- to contrast her hair is wild, black and medium length, held in an unruly bun by scavenged rubber bands. [b]Personality:[/b] Mona is the typical 21st century tragic office drone; smart enough to comprehend her own shortcomings as a person as well as the soul crushing reality of modern day capitalism, but not smart enough to do anything about it. Mona can come off as detached because of this, often seeming to actively be trying to escape reality. She prefers to distract herself with fluff than address issues at hand, as she had become so numbed to her own fatalistic view of the world that she is unsure if she can even handle her own emotions anymore. [b]Known History:[/b] Mona has been working the same dead end desk jockey positions for a little over 10 years now. Before that? She dropped out of college. Before that? Childhood. And before that? She was born in some American military base in Germany. [b]Real History:[/b] The last thing she remembers is getting ready to leave a movie theater. She had stayed behind to see if there were any post-credit scenes and told her friends to go ahead without her before the world went black. She doesn't have any recollection of which friends she was with, the theater she had gone to, or even which movie she had just seen.