[color=steelblue]"Oooh, s'up with her? Maybe she preferred just one Moku? Oh well. I'm gonna go to that pancake place I saw on the way to this place. See ya guys tomorrow"[/color], and with that, Jack was also off for the day. He didn't really 'walk' away, it was more like he disappeared. In any case, pretty soon he was out on the streets of the city, beautiful pavement and ornate lamps and signs, occasional greenery, and far less people than he's used to. Jack was a city boy see, a bit of a thief maybe, in any case he found this spacious new town quite refreshing, and liberating. The battle back in the forest was kind of easy. He was the sole reason they managed to take the card unscathed, because all he needed was a small window of opportunity to steal it from the podium in the far back. Killing off the Grimm was a special bonus, the fox girl brought a lot of power certainly, and was able to duel in a direct confrontation... It looked like she was able to reflect attacks or something. The other two were more direct in what their abilities did, so it wasn't worth noting too much... [color=steelblue]"Hmmm... So this is what Beacon is like... It's kind of nice"[/color], he said to himself.