Nick was fast getting irritated by the stupid marble game that the Mick and Orion were playing, it was one of the many things that he had no desire to learn any thing about, but he was watching the Irishman's body as he moved....his form....his catch....[b]Clarity[/b]. His power's kicked in, without even attempting to, he perfectly understood the fine art of catching, angles, trajectory, falling speed, it was all pouring into his head like an adult magazine. To demonstrate his new skill he grabbed his slice of pie, and tossed it in the air, standing on the couch he positioned himself perfectly and SNAP, MUNCH he caught it in his mouth, after wiping of his face, he lit up a cig, and blew the smoke in Orion's face as more students of the project arrived. He took a small sip of his non-alcoholic coffee and spat it on the floor next to him. [color=0072bc][i]Goddamnit Vee!, this coffee is too hot, if you're gonna serve me a virgin drink at least let it cool down first, shit. [/i][/color] He then slumped back down and put out his cigarette in the still scalding coffee cup. Scowling at nobody in particular he started to whine. [color=0072bc][i]And speaking of virgins, where in the crap is that prof.lab rat?, I'm getting bored already, Id rather be home solidifying my place on the 'Call of Glory' online leaderboards. I could give a crap if he's on a 'Date' or not, I got shit to do tonight.[/i][/color] He turned towards Emily, re-igniting his sleazy smile. [color=0072bc][i]As for me, I don't even waste my time with dates, I prefer to get straight to the point...[/i][/color] His eyes wondered over Emily's body until Ray the boxer walked in, he had a heavy step to his muscular weight, and it caught Nick's attention, he was fascinated by fighting disciplines, and could tell just by looking at this man that he knew how to fight. Ray grumbled something about looking for the Prof and Nick approached him, smirking devilishly. [color=0072bc][i]Yo, Punchy, hit me in the face, don't knock my head off but pop me with a stiff jab, come on just do it, don't be a pussy, it'll kill time.[/i][/color] Nick let his arms swing by his side, showing no intention of retaliation.