Rayna watched with sheer interest as her team suddenly woke from their deep slumber. Frowning softly, she felt an abrupt change in the weight on her shoulders; for a moment, her movements weren't completely restricted by gravity and she felt like she could just float away. Of course, it didn't take long for normal gravity to return which was an unnatural experience because she actually became conscious of the weight pressing down on her, pushing her towards the core of the planet. Curious. Very curious indeed. As a small blush painted her cheeks, she watched Victor wake up to discover a lack of his arm. Clearing her throat a little, she looked away and gave thanks that no one turned to see the guilt etched upon her face. She didn't mean to do it, it just kinda happened! Once she had regained her composure, she turned to watch Jayden pull his shirt off, revealing a wide bandage wrapped around his chest. Frowning, she suddenly realised that maybe he had sustained some injuries in the fight and that they didn't all emerge as lucky as she did. Taking a mental note of that, she inspected the others to make sure they were holding up alright. Rakim looked kind of bad but there wasn't anything she hadn't spotted before. Victor seemed to be in a good state as well. With a hushed sigh, she realised that maybe her team had got lucky when they were facing Catapult - whole teams had been hospitalised after facing Grimm so that informed her that either her team was amazing or Catapult weren't so harsh. Her teeth delicately punched down into the soft skin of her bottom lip as she brooded. She felt like she had a little angel and devil on her shoulders in the form of her teammates - you can guess which one was which. Tapping her foot impatiently, she finally arranged an answer that would satisfy both parties. "Ok, first of all, blowing up half of a dorm building is the worst idea in a long history of bad ideas. Secondly, my art skills are satisfactory and thirdly, I suppose I can just go and have a chat with them at breakfast. They should be understanding... hopefully." Once Jayden was off, Rayna had no choice but to trail after him. Of course, a morning run had been her ritual for years so she easily caught the striding bunny-man. When Rakim proposed to train together, Rayna was actually quite approving - of all of them, Rakim appeared to be the worst in terms of personality. "Yeah, that's a pretty good plan! I don't think I've seen all of your semblances though. We do have combat class today though, so I'll make sure to take some notes and try develop some strategies." She seemed chirpy - overall, things were going good for Jormungandr. Silently, she fell back until she was running at Victor's pace. "Hey, Victor buddy, good ol' Vic, Vic my old pal..." She was struggling to say what she had been planning to say so she decided that blurting it out was the best course of action. "I was trying to wake you up and I shook your arm and it fell off and I didn't know what to do and I was a little freaked that I pulled your arm off and I might have lost it... maybe?" She grinned hopefully but it was easy to tell that she expected an outburst from him. Thankfully, the two other guys had already entered the canteen while her and Victor were catching up.