[hider=Matt] [center] [img]http://auto.img.v4.skyrock.net/9935/84109935/pics/3160523818_1_2_ZhAi3gV0.jpg[/img] [/center] Matthew Harvester Age: 18 History: Matthew grew up as a common farmer on a common farm somewhere in the country of Australia with his normal 3 member family, well everyone was normal except for Matt, he was always the odd one out as he found out early on in life. why was he the odd one out? He lived like everyone else and worked like everyone else from a young age and he thought he wasn’t much different, he didn’t look any different, he was always cheerful but that wasn’t very special but what was special showed when he would go to the only school in the area which was pretty small. Matt showed great academic abilities from a young age which the small school could not handle after a while, he was in need of proper education somewhere else where he could become more than just a farmer. When Matt was 14 he had already passed through everything he could learn from the school and his father decided to have a chat with Matt. He asked Matt if he wanted to be a farmer like his father and his father before him or if he wanted to see more of the world, Matt instantly said he wanted to see more. His father showed a huge grin when he answered and told him he had good news. Ever since Matt was young his father thought he wanted his son to be something more than a farmer so he decided to put money aside every year to pay towards tuition fees when the time came, and that time had come. Matt said goodbye to his parents, to his farm, to his town and vowed everyone he would do so well the small country town would be put on the maps. Where was he heading? to a prestigious boarding high school which his father barely had enough money saved to send him to. When he finally got to the big city and found his way to the school (eventually) he was overwhelmed by the size of everything, so overwhelmed it was obvious he was a country bumpkin to everyone. He started high school with a bright attitude that never wavered, heck it probably only ever got bigger over time. Maybe some of the reason was that most thought he was a fish out of water in the beginning but he soon showed that after taking a few classes he was well on the track of outsmarting them, he would have too if he didn’t fall for Japanese culture in Foreign studies. Heck most his free time ended up going to studying about Japan… unless he had an assignment due of course. As his high school life went on his always happy attitude rubbed off on people around him and he was never seen alone, or was there never anyone with a frown near him. It seemed as if everyone had forgotten they once thought him as a country bumpkin. As he spent his days having fun with his friends and studying he started to think about the future, what was he going to do? he was soon coming up to his last year, and as he started thinking a perfect opportunity opened up, an exchange program with a school in Japan was going to start which Matt instantly signed up for and took the test…. which he would’ve easily passed as he did study the language. It was decided Matt would be the one to go and he called his parents to tell them he was going to Japan for his last year, they were both proud of their son and hoped he would see the world. and Thus he ended in Japan for his last high school year….. Personality: always bright and with a smile on his face, he has always been the type that attracted people around him with his bright cheery attitude, though at times he has been known to be a bit blunt and headstrong as he isn’t one to back down. He is loved by both people and animals. Inventory: A bigger than average knife.... how it got through customs nobody knows Arcana: Magician Persona: [url=http://i.imgur.com/Ayn6qkC.png]Kresnik[/url] [hider=Lore] there are two main legends revolving around Kresnik, one is the Deity and the other is the vampire hunter legend, both tie together personality wise. vampire hunter Slovenia. A shaman who transformed into a white-coated animal to fight the Kudlak. In Croatian and Slovenian lore, a person born with a caul was destined to become either a Kudlak or a Kresnik. A person so destined to become a Kudlak would already begin a career of evil while still alive - his soul would leave his body at night in animal form and fly through the air to attack people or to magically do other harm to the community he lived in. When he died, he became an undead vampire who was then an even greater threat to the community. But if a person born with a caul became a Kresnik, he became a champion of the community. While he lived, his soul left his body in animal form at night to fight against both living and undead Kudlaks. Where the kresnik was the representative of goodness and light, the kudlak symbolized evil and darkness Deity: Kresnik is the son of the creator deity, ruler of heaven. He lives in a fantastical country, sometimes called the "Land of the Rising Sun", "Eastern Land", or the "Ninth Country", and rules on the"world mountain", which is frequently described as being golden, crystal, or glass. He has been associated with fire, the summers solstice and storms. In legends of him as a human, he is a great king skilled with magic, but who interests himself in farming. [/hider] Skills: Dia, Agi, arm chopper [/hider]