CHARACTER NAME: Sylvester Champogne Gender: Male Age: 23 Character skills: KABOOM! [i]Able to create explosives like grenades and use them.[/i] Fatal flaw: He needs resources like gun powder to create said explosives. [hider=ROLLS!] 2. K-Kaboom? The resources make a chemical reaction, exploding and dealing damage. 3. Et tu, chemicals? Explodes, dealing less damage than a 2. 4. Couldn't build the explosive. I expected better of you, Sylvy. 5. Almost managed to make and throw it, but it doesn't explode when it reaches the enemy. 6. KABOOM! Some damage to the enemy. 7. KA[b]BOOM![/b] MOAR DAMAGE! 8. [b]KABOOM![/b] Even more damage. 9. [b]KA[i]BOOM![/i][/b] Well, this thing is dead now... 10. [b][i]KABOOM![/i][/b] All remains are gone. 11. KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! HOLY CRAP, IF SOMETHING DOESN'T DIE BECAUSE OF THAT, SYL HAS BIT OFF MORE THAN HE CAN CHEW BECAUSE THAT THING IS INVINCIBLE. 12. [b][i][u]KAAAAAAAAAABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM![/u][/i][/b] An explosion to kill Gods. (Plus the resources are in tact, yay.) [/hider] Biography: The Guild of Exploding Items is a guild of scientists specializing in one thing: Things going kaboom. They work to help with household accidents (that result in something going kaboom), supply soldiers with things that go kaboom (...They go kaboom) and make explosives for soldiers. (that, you guessed it, make things go kaboom.) Sylvester is a veteran of such affairs to the dismay of his family who just don't understand his fascination with things going kaboom. Have I mentioned kaboom yet?