Noa thought the same as the boy. It had been surprisingly easy. Maybe it was thanks to Semiramis? She didn't know what to make of it, since her attack had been the one to bring the bull down, effectively putting it in the tight spot. Still, the fact that they had to kill it made Noa a little sad, though her face didn't show it. [color=92278f][I]'It had to be done.'[/I][/color] She thought to herself. She was trying to negate the fact that she had killed something, anything at all. [color=92278f][I]'It would have killed us. It was it or us... and I'd rather not have it be us.'[/I][/color] She looked up when Even introduced himself. Noa had a faint feeling of having seen him somewhere before, but her head wasn't working right at the time. [color=92278f]"It'd be nice if it wasn't real."[/color] Noa said, looking up at the sky, feeling her heart clench. Why would she be given the power fo Death? She didn't want to think about it. [color=92278f]"But! We at least had the opportunity to make some new friends, right?"[/color] She said, recovering her energy and looking back at her two companions, with a big smile in her face. [color=92278f]"We are already friends! It's impossible to have helped each other like that and not think that! I am Noa! Shiragami Noa! Japanesu~! Let's meet again, okay?"[/color] Noa said, waving at the guy goodbye while he disappeared through the portal. [color=92278f]"I'm next then! Bye bye! See you on the other side!"[/color] Noa made her way to the portal, curiously poking it to make sure it was real. Sticky, but real all right. She put her body in and waved goodbye, in a rather energetic way, at the other girl, and a wide grin in her face. She suddenly felt the comfort of her bed again, and all of her worries started dissipating, though something else comes to her mind, that makes her blush even though she was already almost asleep. [color=92278f][I]'Uwaaah... Was I wearing my bunny nightgown in there with all of them?! It is so... so.... embarrassing....'[/I][/color] She fell asleep after that.