"Dibs on the shower. Enter at your own peril." Diamond challenged them in a tone completely lost on Marcus. “Noted.” the young officer replied, busy with his luggage. Outside of the bare essentials he also brought a collection of books that covered subjects from data on Grimm to engineering to a few pulpy science fiction novels. Next he pulled out a large map of Vale and the surrounding lands. "Well, boss, I'm an easy enough guy to deal with, I think. A roof over my head is just about enough to keep me happy. Stay outta my bags, don't get us killed and treat people like people, and we'll get along famously." Oswald told him from where the warrior lay on a bed. “Very well, I shall try to meet your standards.” Marcus said sincerely. He very intentionally made no promises. His people skills were poor and he knew it. "Damned wrist. I'm lucky I'm right-handed. At least I can get along with that much." Marcus grunted in agreement as he eyeballed the map and the wall next to the door, unsure if it would fit. Looking over to the bathroom door, Oswald screwed up his face. "Not sure I like the look that girl gave us when she went in. Almost like she half expected us to do it. Maybe even wanted it, a little, just so she could have an excuse to make trouble. Whatever, let her have her shower. I'll go last." he continued. "You know, I could always take one for the team and take up her offer. Gods know that you prudes wouldn't. For the Glory of Team Moderation, of course." Aurellius spoke up. He had been silent all the way up to the room outside of a few heavy breaths or sighs, Marcus could not tell which. Marcus made a note to check if a Datura released some form of aerosolized poison, he had no intention of coming down with ‘bronchitis the dark evil on steroids version’. “Be patient and you can get all the looks you want. Grimm don’t wait for people to get dressed, so any showers out in the field will have to have a sentry.” Marcus said flatly. A simple fact of life drilled into him at an early age was that survival trumped the standard ‘city slicker’ social mores. Gender never factored into things like the aforementioned sentry duty, you kept each other alive first and foremost. He had started to fiddle with some pins to get the map up, however the little brass tacks barely found purchase in the hard wall. Behind him Diamond entered the room again. “Hey boss, when's the wake up call?" Diamond called out. “Breakfast opens at seven hundred, first lessons at eight oh clock sharp. Oh, and they apparently have a limited amount of ‘good stuff’ for breakfast so arriving early was advised.” Marcus replied while he pulled out a nailgun from his belt. Some high impact engineering later, the map was firmly in place. There, fixed. He grimaced a bit as he saw that his last few bags should have been sent to the garage instead of the team’s room. Logistical screw ups, the eternal nemesis of those who used a lot of spare parts. “Right then, I have to get this stuff to the garage and I want to get some maintenance done before sleep. Goodnight, incase you are already asleep by the time I get back.” he said as he lifted the bags over his shoulder.