Name: Matias Quinn Age: 26 Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Caring and kind. He refuses to kill anyone or any animal unless it is to spare it more suffering or in self defense, making it harder for him to get food, and making him a de facto vegetarian unless he finds an animal dieing. Bio: His mother, a charcoal maker, and his father, a hunter, raised him at the edge of the woods just outside of the village. When he was thirteen, however, bandits came and raided the village, and he saw his father die before him. While most people would turn to vengeance because of this, he came to hate death. Every time he saw an animal die, he remembered his father's final breath. He blamed himself, and the horror of that day stuck with him for the rest of his life. He helped his mother after that, taking over his father's work, though because he hated to see things die, he resorted to gathering and training animals to earn a living. He moved to the city when he turned eighteen, gathering and training animals in the woods and in the city. He has a pet wolf that he trained from a puppy. It is loyal to him, and knows several tricks. Skills: Good with a bow, though he uses it only in self defense. He is good at training animals, and knows much about the plants of the forest, including what's edible and which plants have medicinal properties. Equipment: Hunting longbow, hunting knife, quiver with 30 arrows, backpack with camping supplies, satchel with a mortar and pastel and medicinal herbs. What element will you be assigned to teach you balance?: Death Why did the monks assign you that element?: You must not fear death so much. Sometimes it is necessary. Even your wolf must kill in order to survive. --- His Mentor: Name: Che Farla Animal Name: The Snake Age: 34 Personality: Fun-loving. Loves to mess with people for the fun of it. Skills: "snake style" martial arts, which relies on quick strikes, often to nerve points. Gymnastics. Equipment: Black leather Darkness gauntlet, Black leather Water gauntlet, Black leather armor, two exotic fighting knives Magic type(s) used: Darkness (Master), Water (Adept)