[center] Currently we are not accepting any more characters. [/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VmxFnIg.png[/img] [/center] [center] [h3] An epic adventure. A saga unlike any other. Join others in a quest across lands and kingdoms. Acquire the Sacred Artifacts and save the lands from destruction. As the story unfolds, where will you stand?[/h3] [/center] In the land of Alvera, the four kingdoms have enjoyed 100 years of peace. A hundred years ago, the Noble Heroes used their strength and courage, along with the Sacred Artifacts, to defeat the evil knight Levado. However, before being stopped by the heroes, Levado had brought destruction and tyranny to the lands. Upon his defeat, Levado was thought to have been destroyed, but there were rumors that the heroes had only been able to stop him and take away his power, and that Levado had survived. Now, in the present, the kingdoms are finally being restored to their former prosperity. The stories of the Noble Heroes have become something of a legend, as new generations have been born and time has passed. All seems well for the lands... however, evil is brewing. A mysterious mist approaches the land of Alvera, leaving the destruction of towns and villages in its wake. Fear travels throughout the kingdoms. What is this mist? Where is it coming from? Will a century's worth of hard work be destroyed yet again? And who is behind this? A new generation of heroes is called forth. Ones who can find the Sacred Artifacts - once used by the heroic warriors of the past - and become the new Noble Heroes. [hider=CS] [h3]Character Sheet[/h3] Name: Theme Song: (Optional) Gender: Age: Appearance: (Picture or description) Personality: Favourite Colour(s): (Optional) Favourite Food(s): (Optional) Hobbies: Weapons: Powers/Abilities: (Almost anything is fine here, but make sure that your character is fair and balanced) Biography: (Tell us a little about your character. Doesn't have to be much. Maybe their goals and aspirations.) [/hider] [hider= Rules] 1. Please be respectful to everyone in OOC 2. Do not be Overpowered, unfair or invincible with your character. 3. Everyone is able to create characters, NPC's and locations in the story. Whoever creates a character (or location) is the person that decides that character's actions, dialogue, history, etc. (For example, if we are in a field and you create a monster for us to battle, whoever comes up with the idea for that monster will control its actions.) 4. Do not control other people's characters. Do not auto-hit 5. Everyone can post up to three times in a row in the RP. After that, everyone else will be given a chance to reply, before a person posts again. [/hider]