[img]http://i.imgur.com/1hMosE9.jpg[/img] [h2] Starter Town [/h2] The large town was bustling with life. The sky above was a cool blue, with the sun giving warmth and energy to the populace below. Starter Town was a popular place for many tourists, travelers and warriors alike. With many shops, restaurants and entertainment venues, it was no wonder that it was one of the most popular towns in the kingdom. On this particular day however, there was a huge festival going on - a festival occupying nearly the entire town. Food stands, entertainment shows in the streets and discount sales only added to the normal amount of energy that filled the streets. Merchants, travelers, mercenaries, farmers and knights all went about their business, roaming through the streets; some darting to their destinations, while others strolled along carelessly. People who would normally never be seen in the same area were standing in line near one another and even gave the occasional polite nod. Overall, it was a day filled with excitement and a pleasant atmosphere. [h2] [/h2] A young man was walking on the outskirts of the large town. As he approached one of the town's gates, he noted the guards that were posted there. Four guards in full armour and swords on their sides. The young man was carrying a sword of his own. He also had a bag with him to hold his various items and supplies while he was traveling. After speaking with the guards and telling them what region he was from, the young man made his way into the town. [h2] [/h2] Hey everyone! So everyone has the option to start in one of two places. You can have your character 1) In Starter Town somewhere 2) In the forest, a mile outside of Starter Town Also, please look at the Rules in the OOC before posting. If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything, feel free to post your discussion in the OOC area. Other than that, it's time to begin the story! Here we go, let's have fun!