"Well, I have to meet Professor Rowan myself," Ross commented, following the girl off the boat. Being anxious and paranoid as it was, Ross never fancied himself much of a traveler, especially by boat. So much could go wrong and with shaky legs, it was great to be on solid ground again. "Being an assistant apparently requires me to be a messenger boy," he sighed, pulling gently on the strap attached to his bag. His Absol walked beside him, curiosity filling her dark eyes. Ross shared this feeling. "Tell me now," he put his hands in his pockets, "Are you a Sinnoh local?" [center] --- [/center] Andi watched the boy walk off towards the Pokemon center with his Riolu. She leaned against the white fence of someone's property, almost glaring at him as he walked away. "He won't be using that Riolu, that's for sure," she said aloud, her Lucario grabbing some of the wild flowers growing down the pathway. It was evident he wasn't listening. And it was also evident that she didn't care. "I guess it'll be you and Heracross," she said with a firm nod, before heading down the path, letting out a sneeze. "Jeez! Don't be grabbing people's flowers!" She scolded and the Lucario crossed its arms, still holding the flowers. Almost immediately, her eyes soften, "N-Nevermind, let's just...go fight that kid and win."