Okay then, here: Barker Bloodworth > New Orleans Police Officer > Has trouble looking at bright lights for some medical reason I haven't looked into > Has some personality disorder or something that he gets to keep in check with prescribed meds > Very much a polite dude Jillian Hazel Reid > Charming enough > Works in Starbucks, actually > Tends to get horny every now and then > She plays the saxophone Terphos Paverdus > Elven Ambassador for some thingo in Magniloria > Enjoys neatness > Prefers staying indoors for some odd reason or other > Still a freakin virgin (we need to change that) Wes Harrington > Very gifted drummer and mechanic > The type of dude who will not speak unless spoken to or you know if there's this urgent thing that needs be said > Reads a lot with those Asian eyes > Can be impatient and will not like to involve himself with your problems if he can help it Lemme know if there's anything else you'd like to find out about them