At Syrus's response to her question, Mei's eyes swept over from Duncan to a young woman that she had neglected to notice upon entering the room. There was a clear look of distaste on her face as she felt the woman's eyes glance over Mei's appearance, before speaking to her in a cool and professionally crisp tone. Kein's wife (or so Syrus had described her) confirmed that she too was leading the operation, whilst assuming that Mei had read over her dossier. Of course, Mei had done no such thing, having concentrated on only the interesting and vital parts of the operation, and despite attempting to disguise this fact with a carefree smile, Mei was clearly failing. "Oh! Trust me, you wouldn't have been the slightest bit interested in my file anyway. It would have bored someone like you to tears," Mei reassured her with a light, and obviously forced laugh. "But umm, I definitely remember reading about you somewhere! Miss...uhh..." "Yoko Ono." The relief washed over Mei's face as her subdued brother finally spoke up, saving the embarrassment of being caught in a lie as he took over. "SeeD and field adjutant to Duncan Lerwick." He gestured over to the male standing beside Yoko before continuing. "As Mei has already stated, we're both part of the Resistance Faction. I cover field work whilst Mei handles negotiation and correspondence. Mei visited your Garden yesterday to speak to Head Instructor Corvo, and he has agreed to join us in our cause." He cleared his throat. "Our take down Deling." Tyler sharply inclined his head in Mei's direction as a sign that he was done speaking before perching himself against the wall, icy blue eyes watching the group silently. Mei, taking over from her brother, continued. "We've been saving up for enough money to recruit SeeD for the longest time. On our own...we are powerless under the heel of President Deling, but with the strength of SeeD backing us up..." Mei's hopeful words trailed off slightly, before she quickly gave herself a visible shake. "But anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. As you are all aware, Timber-" A gasp cut Mei short, her eyes blinking in surprise at the two figures standing by the doorway. They were both brandishing what looked like food supplies, and the bald-headed woman that interrupted her gave some kind of sarcastic sneer before sitting herself down on one of the available seats expectantly. Tyler looked as if he was biting back the urge to reply, and it took Mei to give him a quick warning look to silence him before picking up where she left off. "Uhh, right! Guess we're all here now, right Mr Du-Lerwick?" She corrected herself with a sheepish grin before straightening out her shoulders. "Right. Where was I? Ahh, yes. As you're all aware Timber has been under martial law by the Galbadians since the Sorceress War 18 years ago..." * "...and that's where you guys come in." Mei's briefing of the situation in Timber finally reached its end, a satisfied expression on the girl's face as she held their attention. As per her superior's instructions, she had kept the information disclosed on the Faction to a need-to-know basis, and instead focused on the control the Galbadians had over the city, and where they were stationed. There was one particular station however, that Mei would be drawing attention to. "There is an important figure in the Galbadian Army. Someone close to Deling," Mei explained with a hint of a smile, the adrenaline rush of the mission flowing through her veins. "He's currently stationed here in Timber, at their main headquarters just south of the TV station. Tomorrow evening, SeeD will infiltrate the building and contain him for questioning." Hands on her hips, Mei looked over at the group of mercenaries with an endearingly confident grin. "And that's where we start planning your line of attack! Any questions before we move on?"