[quote=Dean]Level 2[/quote] Oh right, by level 2, you're talking about level 2 as said by Crapton's level guide in the other thread, right? [quote] without this enhancement he can only harm someone that weighs less then he does[/quote] ok, so he can only harm people weighting less than him, what about objects? Is this counted too? Sorry for nitpicking this. [quote] Psonic Enhance controlling the atoms in his body he increases his physical strength by 20 percent and can hurt opponents ranging from 160 to 180. And break objects that is exactly that weighs the same.[/quote] Ok, hypothetical question, with this active can he break through a steel block weighing 160lbs and less? Though, using weight as an indicator of who and what you can hurt is rather hard to do with the durability level of everyone being varied, we have a little tank here after all. [quote] Levitation: He can levitate off the ground and while doing he tires after the first post and loses control on the second post. The same effect applies when is lifting people or objects.[/quote] So, it'll be something like cast post-starting to tire post-losing control post, making a total of 2 active levitation posts? Still has to answer, how high and how far? And how fast too I guess, though I think it'll be as fast as you can walk at most? [quote] Pull and Push: As long as the person or item weighs the same as he does. He is able to pull or push objects ten miles. He can push a crate into a wall it will smash, if he pushes a person the person will be hurt a moment. Same goes for pulling. [/quote] Really? Miles, not meters? Because that grossly outrange everything and eyesight and even with the current strength, I don't know if this falls under level 4. [quote] Binding: He can bind objects so that they are unmoved. Example is when someone is pushing or throwing an item at him, he can simply grab it, to keep it from moving. This works one per post. Meaning if he uses the first turn he has to wait another turn to use it.[/quote] Yeah, I'll leave this to crapton to judge when he got here. [quote]Deflect: He can reflect or deflect an opponents projectile or attack so say if someone is running at him and jumps to kick him, he can deflect his course by swinging his arm, the same for objects. Or he can grab it and push it back. If it is an object or person weighing his size or less, he can reflect it with no problem. Anything heavier takes a post to concentrate.[/quote] Though, most of projectiles will weight less than him while probably hitting as hard. Meh, leave this to crapton too. [quote] Confusion: He can confuse his opponent by emitting a small cyan light from his eyes. That connects with his foes forehead. Making it easier for Scion to attack. The opponent becomes tipsy for 20 seconds.[/quote] I think this will be fine. [quote] He has limited control over electricity he's able to discharge lighting from his hands to shock his opponents.[/quote] Range? Though, would the shock be stronger that it'll do more than causing numbness on the place it hit? .... [quote] He can charge this by 10 percent by transferring his psychic energy. His shock moves become strong enough that it can dent a hole in a concrete wall.[/quote] Mmmm, blasting a hole in a concrete wall is hardly something I would call limited. PS: This is a friendly input, you can consider it or defend your idea on how it is fine as it is. Might want to wait for GM's words for clarification though,