Seilber stood on the stage under the lights, jittering. This wasn't right. Damnit! The last thing she needed was the spotlight on her! [i]So much for keeping a low profile...[/i] She sighed inwardly. [i]I'll just have to turn this to my advantage[/i], she decided silently. At the same time, she could understand why. Indigo was good especially in a fight. There was a competitive edge to him, and something else more... And he was something of a hothead, a berserker. It made him strong, powerful in battle. She caught the whiff of anger off of Indigo, a mixture of sweat, pheromones, and blood. Moving quickly she followed him, gesturing for the rest of them to come with, slithering through the crowd. Seilber chewed her lower lip in apprehension. In the field out there, she'd just been trying to keep herself and those around her alive while they worked through the Exam. Indigo had wanted to charge in, guns blazing. And while that might have worked with simpler prey, the Ariadne they'd been up against were not so easily dealt with. They turned the very ground and area where they were into deadly traps, making it virtually impossible to get around without moving carefully. Working with Viviane, both of them using their bow weaponry, they had rained down hell and problems upon their foes. Using the special bolts in the crossbow they had erected barriers, and turned the spider's own sticky situations back on them. They had used warp gates to evade or maneuver when needed. Seilber's Dust based attacks had spewed fire, burning webs and spiders like nothing, while explosive forces ripped spiderlings apart. Viv's lifesight had told them where attacks were going to come from, kept them out of ambushes, and shown them where to shoot before they could even see the targets directly. Ineko's suit had given them the strength and speed to tear through some webs with little issue, and had allowed him to go toe to toe with the massive spiders. Lightning had been his ally as he had become something of an overgrown bug zapper when they were there. Indigo had the short to midrange firepower, and the ability to spread his damage out or focus it. His 'hatchets' of a sort had hacked off more than a few spider legs, and he'd been able to use that barrier power of his to his advantage. Until Seilber had started directing her partner, he'd been focused mostly on his own things. As she re-analyzed what happened while following Indie, it dawned on her more why she had been chosen. Sure he was a great fighter, but for now he was in it for himself. His ego, his pride. He was trying hard to be the best, instead of being the best he could be. There was little care for anybody he worked with. She had an optimist, and a naive girl to look after, as well. “Indigo,” she said quietly as they had drawn away from the crowd, looking up at him. Her honey colored eyes seemed to glitter just a bit in the dim interior. “I would, but I’ve got to get my stuff moved. Class tomorrow too.” Seeing Indi storm off from the stage had been a little upsetting. It seemed that the decision by the staff would likely be final. “I… I’m ..” She sputtered a little. She wanted to apologize, that was clear, but at the same time, she wasn’t sure she should. Things were kind of off to a bumpy start there. Really it wasn’t even her fault. It wasn’t like she’d shot for taking that slot. “All I can do right now is get a move on.” Glancing at the rest of the team nearby, she tilted her head a little. “We’ll figure it out together. I’ll be at our assigned dorm room, if you wanna talk.” With that, she turned to slowly head toward the dorms. Thankfully most of her stuff was still in her rocket locker.