[center][img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080716203259/megamitensei/images/c/c3/Death.png[/img][/center] [h1]Chiaki Nettu[/h1] Name: Chiaki Nettu Age: 15 Gender: Female [Hider=I'm Not Running Away... Its My Only Choice...][img]http://lparchive.org/Dangan-Ronpa/Update%20146/12-celes.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ce5aKV8.png[/img][/hider] Personality: Chiaki is calm, poised and elegant. She enjoys dressing in the 'Gothic Lolita' fashion, as she believes it helps her to stand out from her fellow peers. She is caring, to those she trusts, which is only a few selected people. Due to her popularity she has developed a sense of pride, believing in herself more often. Despite all of this, Chiaki has mild anger issues, to the extent where she 'pops off' unleashing a wave of anger upon the person or people that angered her. Skills & Equipment: Being a model, she is a beautiful girl with many charming qualities and some stunning charisma that just draws people to her. She's also quite fond of Biology and the Human anatomy, you wouldn't know just by looking at her. She equips herself with a lovely black thorn whip, both for fashion and fending off ugly brutes. Arcana: Death Persona: [url=http://i.imgur.com/pK80Pix.png]Freyja[/url] Abilities: - Bufula - Mudoon - Poison Arrow [Hider=Listen to my tale of woe:]Chiaki was always a kind, happy girl when she was younger, picking flowers, making friends. She believed she had the perfect life. Her mother was of Italian decent, her father was Japanese. She was born in the Tochigi Prefecture. Growing up there she had been introduced to several traditional, non-traditional and foreign practices. Her family only consisted of Her, Mother and Father. Although they were a small family, they succeeded in earning several amounts of income to support themselves. Her Father became a well known 'Waste Management' manager. Her mother took her education as far as possible, leading her into the supreme court where she defends people of all kinds. Poor Chiaki was left on her own, learning to take care of herself as her parents were never around during the day. Once Chiaki had reached her teens, she demanded that her parents pay more attention to her or she would call the authorities alerting them of how she has been mistreated all these years. Her parents agreed and vowed to spend more time with her. Within the next year her parents became more distant, they would delve into deep arguments, fight all night and day. Chiaki was always the peace maker, she felt responsible, she believed it was her fault that they were fighting. Once Chiaki had turned fourteen her parents then went through a few more 'rough patches' as they called them, then swiftly divorced and separated the following month. She would bounce from Mother to Father, Father to Mother. She had become sick of it, the life she had once knew was gone, she once again told her parents her feelings, this only angered them, they both agreed that if Chiaki hated them so much, she should go live somewhere else. Chiaki was horrified, she ran away from the life she had once had, she had contacted a social service, they had her moved from Tochigi to to live with her Grandmother at Tatsumi Port Island. She had become accustomed to life there, she was staying with her Grandmother who had applied her for a modeling job for a magazine, against her will. She became very popular with the 'Goth, Pop and Gothic Lolita' Crowd. Her agent began to insist that she take her popularity to the next step and become a full fledged Idol.. After some convincing from her Grandmother, she agreed to it and was ready to set out on her journey as an up coming Idol. Unfortunately, her life changed once again, as her Grandmother had passed away. She was devastated, the life she had finally become used to, the life that she had created, one of happiness, was shattered. She had turned fifteen and was attending private schooling but the social services believed it would be better for her if she was moved to live with her Aunt and Uncle in Warakuma, and attend the nearby school, interact with other students on a daily basis, so they enrolled her into the High School. Having to turn back on her life again, she gave up being an Idol before she could even start, although there is still evidence of her being a model around, you don't even need to look hard enough, after all she is rather popular, if you're into idols that is.[/hider]