Victor was managing a good pace, he'd adjusted for his missing arm and his stride had lost it's stagger, he was catching up and feeling rather good about it. When Rayna started dropping back Victor was slightly offended thinking [i]Why is she dropping back? There is no need to check on me! I'm missing an arm not a leg, I can do this![/i] [b]"Hey, Victor buddy, good ol' Vic, Vic my old pal..."[/b] [i]This is weird, is she that concerned about my lack of an arm? Do I seriously look that incompetent?[/i] [b]"I was trying to wake you up and I shook your arm and it fell off and I didn't know what to do and I was a little freaked that I pulled your arm off and I might have lost it... maybe?"[/b] Victor continued jogging for a few seconds, smiling and waiting for the punchline. As he realised none was coming the smile slowly became less cheery. Victor Wanted to scream at Rayna, yell at the top of his lungs and kick up a fuss, but realising nothing good would come of it he bottled it up, buried it deep, and continued to smile, slightly slowing his jog. "Rayna... you are telling me that you removed my arm, by accident of course, and managed to lose it? A prosthetic arm that is... well the size of an arm and is a bit heavier than one..." Victor had to pause, he felt his temper rising and had to take a deep breath before continuing on. "How, Rayna? How did you lose it? Please explain this to me like I am seven. My arm falls off, you are naturally shocked and didn't know what to do. I understand that part, but this next bit is where I get confused. The part where my [i]ARM[/i] goes missing. You see it fall off and what? How does it go from being on the floor, or in your hand or whatever to being lost? Are you so shocked that you throw it out the window?..." Finally stopping altogether Victor couldn't stop himself from asking "You [i]didn't[/i] throw it out the window... right?" sounding more like a plea than an actual question.