Name: Albadius Reinhold Faction: Waldgeist Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Albadius has the look of a snobby upper-class merchant, with none of the charm actual merchants tend to have. He keeps his hair buzzed short, which causes his aquiline features to stand out even more than they already would. He stands around 5' 6" and is underweight for his height, and though his build is athletic it compliments his unhealthy appearance. He is almost always seen wearing a baggy coat to better conceal his weapons of choice. Personality: Albadius is a man of action. A vengeful, bloodthirsty man of action. If someone hurts him, he will do his best to hurt them more. The concept of mercy strikes him as weird and pointless - he views sparing his enemies as giving them a free shot at his back, which he refuses to do. Diplomacy is not his strong point, but he recognizes this and does his best to stay away from situations that can't be solved with blunt force. Background: Albadius grew up in a reasonably wealthy town, born to a stable merchant family. He was expected, as were his siblings, to attend school, graduate top of the class, and take their place in the family business. However, the life of a trader held no allure for Albadius. He'd prefer to go out and see the world, rather than merely serve people who did so. The easiest way for him to do that, he figured, would be to join the Imperial military. Though he could handle a sword with the best of them, his wiry build and diminutive stature caused him enough trouble with the fitness tests that he did not qualify. Rather than accept that the army didn't want him and call it a day, he followed the recruiting officer home and killed the man in an alley. Realizing his own fate would be similar if he stayed in town a minute longer than he needed to, Albadius fled to join the rebels, who welcomed him with open arms. Skills: Albadius is well-trained in the use of a shortsword and shield, something of a family tradition. He is fast with his hands and even faster on his feet, and has learned to use his size to his advantage. His real shortcoming is the less violent side of things. He's well versed in socialization due to his upbringing, but tends to think of himself as better than the common rabble and certainly better than Imperial soldiers. He has, however, been able to accurately predict the movements of wealthy targets, for which he is given some small measure of recognition. Teigu: None yet