[quote=@Fleeter] [b]GM[/b] Stella's E-Mail Box @Stella Blackhart Subject: I have some insider information | From: utrx@xxxxx.xxx >>>Investors are diving into the new world era. Holographic technology is the wave of the future! Find out which company to invest in with one easy payment of $100 or 20 easy payments of $10, or 2 bitcoin! That money will be just a penny in comparison if you find which investor to place your future in! [hider=CLICK NOW] [img]http://www.wp-handyhints.com/wp-content/gallery/buy-now-buttons_1/orange-buy-now-button.png[/img] [/hider] [/quote] "Spam." She deleted the mail. She arrived at school. "Stella...!!" A young girl called the long haired girl. "Noel...!!!" Stella replied her greetings. Stella face filled with smile and laugh. The girl, known as Noel approached Stella and started gossiping about her boyfriend. The long-haired hacker can only laugh.