Lazarus raised a hand to tell Joshua to be quiet. "Be at ease. We aren't in a position to not be cautious." He stepped forward, magic now recovered. He release a fair amount of magical power to show that he was more than a worthy opponent to most, were she thinking about trying anything funny. There was something off about this woman. He stuttered a little after thinking. Angrily, he spoke. "You did this to our guild.... didn't you?.." He looked up from the ground into her eyes. It had to have been her, she would have His fist filled with white aura. "You have 10 seconds to state your business here. Before I tear you limb from limb." He was outraged anyone would dare to touch his guild. His family. Of course he couldn't be certain it was her, but he was almost 100% sure. His voice changed to an even darker tone. "Speak up..." He grunted. "The rest of the guild is here. But us 4 will not hesitate to bring you down if you try anything funny." He glared. He had no idea who the woman was. She could be from the council for all he they knew.