[center]The Warren[/center] The light banks buzzed as the thunked on over the large circular room. It was a command center, reminiscent of the older US bunkers scattered across the states. The man walked down the steps. His black slick dress shoes reflecting the lights. His black suit complete with stereo typical black tie. A parade of black suits, government office workers, and other support staffers flooded into the room and began to process of bring everything up to date. The man walked out of the nerve center down a dark hallway which terminated in a sealed door. The man produced a key card and swiped it. The door hissed open with a pop and a click as the air inside met the air that had been so recently let in by the new flurry of activity. It was dry and musty with age. The man slid into the room. It was huge with towering shelves of folders. He wandered down the aisle running his hands over the folders. It was all here. The original work. Every case file, experiment, operation and personnel file. The man smiled. And took out a sleek black phone. With a single button it dialed. “It’s all here….Yes Sir, yes I’ll be activating the new Operative soon…..Yes I have some in mind…..Yes I sent you their case files…..Yes, yes Nathan is on his way here today…..Of course Sir.” Director Caleb hung up and pocketed the phone. So it Begins.