Back in her room, Kelsey grit her teeth. She didn't scowl; she'd trained herself out of that a long time ago. The feeling still had to go somewhere, though, and she felt her scalp crawl unpleasantly. Luckily for her, she'd learned to hide that too. Was her act rusty? She clenched her fists, slightly surprised at how angry this idea made her. It was based on the people she'd despised, but she'd worked on it until no one at her high school could see the difference. She held on to the shadows in her room as she worked on an assignment. She'd been so irritated when she got back that she'd used her power, flinging her bag onto her table and pulling out her chair through the shadows and darkness present. At least she knew the girl had powers based on what she'd said, though Kelsey wasn't sure what they were. As she thought, she idly pulled at some of the shadows, making them solid. They'd gotten off on the wrong foot. It happened. She didn't have to go to work until tomorrow, so for now she'd just finish up this assignment and maybe go practice her powers outdoors afterwards. Ten minutes later, Kelsey stood up, extended her power outwards and headed out her room towards the lift, then remembered it wouldn't be working. *Oh well.* She'd barely taken a few steps in the other direction when a new shadow overlapped her other ones. Kelsey slowed down and extended her power into it like pouring water into a glass, trying to see its shape using the form her power took. A girl, about the same height and build as her. The shadow turned right and disappeared. Into the room of that girl who'd brushed her off. Just out of her range. Kelsey hesitated for a moment longer, then turned around and went back down the hallway. "...Maybe if I try it with opium," that girl was saying. *Seriously?* Kelsey concentrated and the shadows in the room popped into her awareness, growing more numerous as she neared the open doorway and her power expanded into more of the shadows there. "Have you ever tried opium?" She continued. "I was hoping it would relax me enough to expand my... power?" Her voice sounded excitedly deranged now and Kelsey sympathised almost despite herself. "I have a fucking power. Hahaha this is fucking crazy. I want more!" "That makes two of us," Kelsey called as she reached the doorway. At the same time, she pulled all the biggest shadows in the room upwards and parts of them rose from the floor, smoothly blending from 2D shapes into 3D blobs and tendrils. "Mind if I join you guys?"