After her morning routine was all done with, Noa was about to leave her house, dressed in the school uniform and putting her shoes on just before her door. All done with now, she turned around to her house, and muttered slightly. [color=92278f]"I'll be back later."[/color] She shook her head and headed out, with her usual smile on her face. [color=92278f]"All right, off to another good day!"[/color] She hurried to school. She wasn't later, but she wasn't exactly early. At least, her house was near. After going into the school building, Noa's mind derailed to last night. Was it a dream? A really vivid dream? Well, she would treat it as such for now. It'd be nice if she met the people in her dream, though. They seemed like fun. She skipped all the way inside, and when she approached the clasroom listings, she saw the same people from her dream yesterday. Even Cadwell and Chihaya Megumi, if her memory served her right. She just couldn't hold in her excitement when she saw both of them and dashed to reach them. [color=92278f]"Guuuys~! Hello!"[/color] She jumped and put her arms around their necks. [color=92278f]"This is fate, right? This gotta be fate! Do you remember me? I am Noa! From yesterday's, um..."[/Color] It was most certainly not a dream. This meeting proved that much. [Color=92278f]"Thingie? Oh, well, who cares? I'm so happy to meet you again guys!"[/color] She looked at the classroom listings, and found out that her and Even were in the same class. [color=92278f]"And Even-kun and I are in the same classroom too!"[/color]