[b]"I am fine, thank you,"[/b] Emelina spoke in response to Kurt with a slight smile, though her head was turned slightly to the side so she didn't have to look directly at him. [b]"And I am not sure... two or three more."[/b] The aura of other emergents was... Irritating to say the least. She gaze momentarily moved to Sydney as she arrived, giving a slight wave and smile before looking away again. [b]"It's fine."[/b] She could already feel a headache coming on, however. She had been trying to avoid being in the company of too many people recently. But this seemed slightly more necessary. For survival and all that. Not that her ability was difficult to hide or anything. The entrance of Oskar only added to the beginnings of the headache and she moved her gaze to where the least amount of colour got through her sunglasses. [b]"Damn bright colours,"[/b] she muttered under her breath before shaking her head. It was out of the corner of her eye that she first noticed the aura of McAllister and she couldn't help glancing over, taking it in. It was quite unlike any she had seen before and it... unnerved her. She did not know what the colours around people meant normally never mind this one. Yup, that was definitely a headache coming on. She rubbed her head slightly before indicating for Brian to come over. [b]"Could I possibly have a glass of water?"[/b] Hopefully that would help a bit. [b]"Also, did anyone else see something strange just then? I swear..." [/b]She trailed off, keeping her voice quiet in case any of the other people in the bar, though they were few, overheard her and took a certain meaning from the words she said. Keeping her voice quiet, she continued. [b]"We may as well start. I do not believe anyone else is coming."[/b] Boy was she looking forward to spending the next however long in a room full of bright colours and she could see even through the sunglasses. [b]"Though I may go outside just for a moment before. Fresh air, and the like."[/b] She winced.[b] "My head is starting to get sore already."[/b]