[h2][color=ed1c24]Maddox[/color][/h2] Maddox, still on his hands, backflipped away from Grane right after kicking him in the face. [color=ed1c24][I]Who was that?[/I][/color] he thought, looking up in the general direction the arrows came from. [color=ed1c24][I]Was that Sasha? No way. Regardless, this is going to become more difficult...[/I][/color] Sure enough, his prediction was right as Grane shouted in a rage and blue fire began expanding from him, encompassing the cavern floor around him and expanding out in all directions. [color=ed1c24]"Shit."[/color] He jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding a plume of flame, before backflipping a second time. As he was spinning through the air away from the fire chasing him, he held his hand out in Grane's direction. Or rather, just above him. A solid red wall of energy appeared several meters above him, parallel to the ground. Maddox made one last jump away from the fire, which would be his last anyways as he had fast approached the cavern wall, before vanishing mid-leap. He appeared above Grane, upside-down and just underneath the Divine Shield he created. He planted his feet firmly against the small wall of light, his feet notably glowing again though not blindingly so. As well, his right hand was glowing. [color=ed1c24]"Sorry but the reason I had us change venue..."[/color] Maddox spoke, pushing off the red wall with astonishing speed. He came down towards Grane, slamming his arm forward in an attempt to hit the man in his face. [color=ed1c24]"Was to protect my guildmates."[/color] [h2][color=92278f]Beatrix[/color][/h2] The young woman first looked confused, then a smirk formed on her face. [color=92278f]"You think [I]I[/I] was the one to trash this place?"[/color] she said, pointing at herself. A laugh escaped her as her hand retreated back under her cloak. [color=92278f]"Please. If it was me, this whole place would be torn down. Besides, not like it's that impressive anyways."[/color] The lie came off her lips flawlessly. She took a look around, before settling her eyes on Lazarus again. [color=92278f]"You lie."[/color] The grin on her face was gone now, being replaced by an irritated scowl. [color=92278f]"It is only you four. I want to see the entire guild, now tell me where everyone is. Or when they'll get back. Or really, if you want, you can try to... [I]bring me down[/I] but you'd only be entering a world of pain. Wouldn't take much effort to [I]really[/I] wreck this building. Make it look like the trash that occupies it."[/color] Her eyes looked over at the girl sitting at the bar. She examined the girl for a moment before chuckling and facing the adults again. [color=92278f]"Oh, my apologies. Where are my manners?"[/color] She put her hand over her chest and gave a polite bow. [color=92278f]"I never introduced myself. You can call me [I]Ma'am[/I], [I]Miss[/I], or [I]My Lady.[/I] Any of those works."[/color] She stood upright again, a devilish grin on her face. [color=92278f]"I just want to see what this... Phoenix Wing guild is like. Not shaping up to be much so far, in all honesty. That's why I want to see who your strongest is."[/color]