If the hours from the day before taught Cerden anything it was the close calls really do come out of nowhere. There he was with Flora, Shin, and Dominic, about to feel the wrath of Tyra and her pent up rage and then he heard something. Or maybe he saw it -- it’s unclear what it was. All Cerden knew that in the same amount of time that it took for an eye to blink, Cerden along with the other three found themselves away from Basilisk Inn and even more importantly, away from Tyra. At least, for the time being. When Cerden awoke from his sleep in what seemed to be another inn, he rose up to a sitting-up position. When he rushed up to this position, his hair flung over his face and his neck uncovered. He shook his head once and his hair flowed down to its natural form. He looked around, first at the bed he was in. It was semi-hard with parts of it having a comfortable feel to it. Cerden’s eyes then came to the gaze of the walls. They had detailed patterns of odd markings. The walls themselves had a tan-colored base coat and the markings were blue and gold in color. Cerden removed the covers from his body and partially got off the bed. He got off the bed and stretched his arms. A sound of relief was followed by the sound of cracking bones. Cerden looked around for his clothes. He put on his black pants and strapped on his jacket and locked in all the belts. When he finished that, he walked out of his room by opening the door. Cerden walked down the hall that had lights that illuminated the halls. A minute of walking down the hall and Cerden was at the front lobby and was rushed with the heat that made Agrabah so infamous. He looked around and took in a deep breath. [b][color=92278f]“Nice of you to finally join the living.”[/color][/b] Flora said from three feet across Cerden. Cerden looked over and saw Flora sitting at a table that had a nice view of the outside surroundings. He walked over and took a seat. [b][color=a36209]“Things got a little crazy last night, huh?”[/color][/b] Cerden said casually as he gazed outside. Flora looked at him with the most serious and straightest looks she had ever gave him. [b][color=92278f]“Seriously? That’s what you call Tyra almost killing you and the rest of us in the process?[/color]” [/b]Flora said with an elevated tone. Cerden looked at her smiling. [b][color=a36209]“Chill out. We’re alive aren’t we?”[/color] [color=92278f]“No thanks to you.”[/color] [color=a36209]“What is that supposed to mean?”[/color] [color=92278f]“Come on, Cerden. You were frozen as a fucking ice cube in a freezer. If it hadn’t been for that weird…well I don’t know what to call it. All I know is that we’re alive and not in the ground like we would have been if we hadn’t been rushed out of there when we did.”[/color][/b] Cerden just looked outside. He knew that Flora was right, but he didn’t really want to say anything on the matter. It was bad enough that Tyra didn’t listen to reason, but the fact that she almost killed all of them without even giving Cerden a chance to explain was just something that had Cerden scared to death. [color=a36209][b]“It doesn’t matter either way. “[/b][/color]Cerden said. He turned his head to Flora as well as shifting his body to face hers. [color=a36209][b]“Where’s Dominic and Shin? I would have thought that they would be down here too.” [/b] [/color] [color=92278f][b]“They went off to do something.”[/b][/color] [color=a36209][b]“Such as..?”[/b][/color] [color=92278f][b]“Such as I don’t know. Dominic told me that he and Shinto were going to do something and that they would be back in a couple of hours.”[/b][/color] Flora said as her chin rested on her hand and she looked out the window. [h2][/h2] Currently on the outside of Agrabah, two men run towards what can only be described as a giant-ass warship. These two men have a suicide mission written all over them as they’re clearly not with the Empire and yet they venture to an Empire-owned vessel. [b][color=fff79a]“Are you sure about this?”[/color] [color=ed1c24] “Of course I am. Why? Do you not think this isn’t a good idea, Shin?”[/color] [color=fff79a]“Well gee, let me think, Domi. We left Flora and Cerden behind and we’re about to break into Nomis’ high-security warship which is bound to be heavily armed with motion sensors and guns. “[/color] [color=ed1c24]“I know, it’s great ain’t it?”[/color] [color=fff79a]“Just peachy.”[/color][/b] Clearly Shinto doesn’t agree with the plan of breaking into a high-security warship. And he is right to disagree with it. Nobody in their right mind would even attempt such a plan. It just screams stupidity, but then again, it [I]is[/I] Dominic’s plan and he has been known to devise up some half-assed plans in the past. That’s why Shinto often questions why he’s still with Dominic, but who else would get the dumb red-head out of trouble and lord-knows that this plan will get him into trouble for sure. While they were going back and forth about the plan being stupid(Shinto), they duo found themselves in view of the large warship. Even seeing how huge it was, Dominic was still hell-bent on going through with it. [color=fff79a][b]“Okay, we’re here, but how do you suggest we get up there.”[/b][/color] Shinto said as he looked up at the ship and just stared in awe and slight fear of its size. [b][color=ed1c24]“Leave that to me.”[/color] [color=fff79a] “What are you--”[/color][/b] Before Shinto could even get out a sentence, Dominic grabbed his arm and in a jolt of speed, both Shinto and Dominic were on the top part of the ship and there was a crimson light streak behind them. [color=fff79a][b]"Why must you always do that?"[/b][/color] Shinto said clearly annoyed. Dominic smiled as he looked around for a loophole in the design of the ship. His eyes came to what seemed like a latch of sorts that, from what he could see, had no security on it whatsoever. Obviously a flaw in the core design. [b][color=ed1c24]“That is where we can enter this colossus of a ship.”[/color][/b] Dominic said pointing to the latch that was waving in the air due to the winds. Shinto sighed and went along with Dominic. The two of them entered the ship and when they did, they could only guess that the latch was actually part of the venting system as felt from the rather high-pressures they were feeling. Dominic instantly felt this and grabbed Shinto’s arm and used his enhanced speed to maneuver through the venting system and at least get to a safe point within the ship(I.E out of the vents). However, Dominic was quite sure that him doing that would set off some alarms. [b][color=ed1c24]“So, we should get going. I’m sure we’re going to be seeing some guards pretty soon.”[/color][/b] Dominic said as he started to run off. Shinto sighed. [color=fff79a][b]“Why is it always us?”[/b][/color] He said as he reluctantly followed Dominic. [h2][/h2] It’s a new day for Caleb. Even though the higher-ups would have preferred he stay in the castle, Caleb really doesn’t give two shits what they prefer. The current state of mind he has is set directly on going to his uncle for an update on things. He does know that his uncle is on. To do so, however, Caleb had do travel quite the ways away. Due to the mass that his uncle’s Warship has, Caleb had to leave the castle a little earlier than he would have preferred. Once the young adult made his way out of the city, he made some good distance across the desert. Each yard he gained, the large warship off in the distance was getting closer and closer to his view. Eventually Caleb would make his way to the ship and it was evident as the ship was massive as compared to his tiny frame. He was like the scale of an ant to a human(the human being the ship in this case). Caleb approached the ship and instantly it recognized his heat signature and within an instant a beam of a white light hit the ground. In an instant, he was warped into the ship. Caleb had that done to him so many times that he wasn’t even bothered by the whiplash effect it would normally have on someone. Once on the ship, Caleb made his way through it, turning corners, going up stairs, elevators, and eventually coming to his uncle’s lab to which he could see Nomis as well as dozens of working scientists.