While Alakai did hear Kali's words, they didn't register any more. Alakai was too caught up in his fight with the spider to pay attention to things around him. The spider, luckily, seemed to also be getting more damage now. Even though Alakai's attacks and skills weren't any different compared to before. This was not a time to think though. This was a race to the finish. Which would run out first? The spider's hp bar, or Kali's mana? Another AoE attack, webs spraying in every direction after the spider had leapt onto the ceiling just like before. And just like before, both him and her were captured in them. However this time the outcome was different. Since Kali had distanced herself, she wasn't pulled in as far, and only received 10% of the damage. Alakai though, took the full blow. 493 damage this time, bringing him down to 282 hp. There was no poison on him, so he wouldn't die immediately. But he would need a few quick heals. Now the spider only had 437 hp left. So Alakai went in for the final blow. "Die you fucking creep!" He screamed as he charged in head-first, to finish it with a few more powerful blows.