ALWAYS ACCEPTING. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] 1. No OOC fights, if there is a problem, PM me. 2. No godmodding/powerplay 3. No controlling/killing a player's character without the creator's permission. 4. Keep romance at PG-13 or lower(if you want to go further, take it to PM). 5. Characters are unlimited(meaning you can have as many as you want, just be sure you can handle them all). 6. Listen to me and my co-gms(if I get any), 7. Co-gms are chosen at random(so, don't get discouraged if I don't pick you). 8. Put "Let the games begin" somewhere in your CS so I know you read the rules. 9. Have loads of fun. CS Name: Nickname(optional): Age: Gender: Powers: Species: Appearance(s): Crush: Relationship: Spouse(Because I wanted to XD): Children(same as above): Personality: History(optional): Other: Random Places(SUGGESTIONS PLEASE & THANK YOU) Island(the boring starting place) Forest of Needles(watch your step) Hunter-filled City(Humans everywhere!) [suggested by Josie123] Cave with an Underground Labyrinth (suggested by arowne97) (Will add more later) NPC enemies(for the villains who have minions) Shadow Creatures(summoned by Hunter)