[b] Korgal [/b] Korgal followed the Half-Man headmaster through the halls of the school, the orc looked at everything with a look of wonder and amazement on his face. Everything here truly was grand, part way through they were stopped by a woman who wore finely made clothing, Korgal instantly fought the urge to bow as he had seen humans do to other finely dressed humans before, she introduced herself as Lucilia, the herbmancery teacher. Korgal smiled, he loved flowers and plants. And he thought the teacher was lucky to have a gift like that, he got lost in a near trance imagining himself with those kinds of abilities. To those who were observant it was clear the orc was not paying attention at all, as the orc opened his mouth to speak Khan spoke instead. [b]“I merely came for a entrance form, Lucilia. I already have his name and mageblood.”[/b] The Half-Man said, and went for a piece of paper from her, but he stopped about midway and uttered a curse loudly, instantly the orc seemed to cower at the swear. The innkeeper he used to stay with swore a lot and when he swore at Korgal it was followed by a very abrupt beating. But no beating followed instead the Half-man ran off leaving behind a dumb-founded Korgal who spoke to Lucilia very quickly. "My name is Korgal Vorinclex of Tribe Frostfall, now if you'll excuse me." Giving the well dressed professor a bow from the waist, the orc ran off after Khan. He caught up with the Half-man at his office, there was an odd beast behind him that seemed to Korgal like a monster from his worse nightmares, but then that all changed when he saw the state of Khan's office. Vines with sharp thorns had been cut apart all about the room, and things had been knocked over. The source of the chaos was an Elf who stood in the middle of the room, it didn't take long for Korgal to recognize the elf woman. "You're okay!" The orc shouted loudly his voice going an octave higher than any orcs voice should of been, rushing across the room the orc gave a rough hug to the elf, realizing how frail elves were the orc didn't hold it for very long before letting the elf go. "What are you doing here?" The orc asked looking from the elf to Khan.