Komada flinched as the boy snapped at her, her gaze holding steady to the ground as her hands rested in her lap. "Sorry..." She muttered dejectedly as his entire mood flipped once he saw her. The girl nodded and wiped at her face as he helped her up, holding onto his arm for support as they started back for the town. Somebody cut into them and began to accuse Hanta of letting the boy die. But... that wasn't what happened, was it? No, she had stopped him... she had let him die. She wanted to protest and to explain that there was no time to make it to the forest before he was overwhelmed - that if he had simply run away rather than try to fight, he would have been completely safe. None of these words found her, however, as her throat remained tight and her jaw set with her bangs falling forward. The girl hung her head darkly, telling herself over and over again to interject and tell Izumo that it had been her who had stopped Hanta. She felt worse when her chance was gone and it seemed that her friend truly believed everything that had been said, her heart constricting as she looked up at him with wet eyes, "But... But it was my fault..." She argued, "You were running out there to fight and I stopped you... H-he should have run from the start..." She shook her head as he simply promised her a way out. She didn't care about that now, she just didn't want him to think it was truly his fault. The two of them returned to the town, not revisiting the topic. However, the sound... that god-awful shattering was so distant and cold... yet it continued to ring in her head as she was forced to repeatedly watch that boy break into thousands of pixels and dissipate each time she closed her eyes for even a moment. Could that really be all there was? No pain, just the sheer despair of watching a gauge drop and drop and drop until... nothingness. After a rather somber dinner, the two were heading back to their inn when Komada finally spoke, "Onii-chan..." She started, looking over at him, "I... I think tomorrow we should leave the city... This place... It... It's scary," She admitted, looking to the ground as they walked. The Town of Beginnings wasn't particularly unique apart from its size, but when they passed through the central plaza, or even down one of the many roads out of it, an eerie feeling fell over her. Not to mention that she missed home; despite the adventure of being in such a large place, she wanted the peace again... She wanted to be on the ground floor and to be able to look out the window at something... not a wall. "I'm sorry... Even after what happened earlier, I'm being selfish... I don't want to see something like that again, either, so... I want to get at least strong enough to help other people," She told him with a determined nod. "Maybe not be at the very top, but... so that nobody gets left behind... I don't want to be afraid that helping somebody means one of us is going to die..."